
Levontin 7 - GitHub DrinkUp


Come drink with the GitHubbers


Levontin 7 - Rock & Roll


OzenBar - Main Stage


Combining and blending acoustic, pop, electronic beats, hip hop, and ambient music



Raphael Fogel
פלי הנמר



Wanna built an amazing mobile web application? Do you wish to have a powerful API that you can leverage from mobile app?


In this session we will walk through building a modern mobile web... Read More
Ido Green


The #1 Real-time Network is here direct from Silicon Valley San
Francisco to talk about the top real-time SDK running on the biggest
Real-time Network on Earth. In this session, I will describe the... Read More
Stephen  Blum


Systems that are "built to be distributed" are fundamentally different from systems that have "distributed features" added on after the fact.

Riak is a key/value store that is distributed at its core, and... Read More
Eric  Redmond


Ever swam with sharks? You should try it. Its a both thrilling and threatening experience.

In this talk we will discuss the challenges faced, and how each developer can swim with sharks by cracking complex... Read More
Shai Rubin



Building scalable high performance cutting edge rich-client applications for small business and enterprise clients creates a unique combination of challenges. I will cover major issues and solutions that we... Read More
Efim  Dimenstein




Good customer service is about getting the basics right. Excellent customer service, however, goes beyond the basics and can greatly differentiate you from your competition. One simple way to do this is to... Read More
Gary Levitt



These days, it often feels like php is an old, creepy piece of code - it seems that all the cool code kids are using ruby, node or scala.

But is this actually the truth? Maybe php is just different.... Read More
Ole Michaelis


Many people think dynamic languages are inherently slower than static language just because they are dynamic. I'll be talking about how you can make a dynamic language run as fast as a static language and what... Read More


Computer Vision is an ever growing field. Its strength and powerful capabilities has made Computer Vision applicable to many fields, including, security, medical applications, consumer electronic devices,... Read More



It's no secret that GitHub.com ships fast and often. As do our native clients: GitHub for Windows and GitHub for Mac.

I'll be taking a look at how GitHub for Mac ships quite unlike any other Mac app... Read More


Supporting every good creative effort is an editorial one, ensuring the

message is focused and clear. This is most successful when nobody notices

it, and in fact is a failure when people do... Read More


Dreaming of having your own app in the AppStore but dont know Objective C?

RubyMotion makes your dreams come true! You can start building native apps for OS X and iOS  using Ruby language today!
We... Read More



Erlang is a programming language designed for the Internet Age, although it pre-dates the Web. It is a language designed for multi-core computers, although it pre-dates them too. It is a "beacon language",... Read More



GPUs are for a while now much more than just Graphic Processing Units

What started out as a revolution in 3D rendering turned out to be powerful for solving general purpose problems... Read More


Track A - OzenBar



In this session, you will learn how to discover which Agile best practices you should focus on to best address your current challenges and pains.

We will start by identifying the reasons why your... Read More
Roni Tamari




"People don’t leave companies, they leave their managers"

Ever wondered if there is a way to systematically get better as a manager?
What if you could apply concepts such as "code reviews" to your... Read More


For years we’ve looked for coverage as the key metric representing quality. We know it’s not much, but it’s what we’ve got, right?

The truth is that coverage lies all the time. The easiest way to trick... Read More


AB test, Feature toggles, self test backward and forward compatibility, real life strategies we use at Wix for our continues deployment process
Aviran Mordo


Erlang Track


This Talk will be an introduction To Erlang, a language that is optimised for building fault tolerant and concurrent applications that can run forever. 

I aim to introduce the basic patterns of Erlang/OTP... Read More



ooVoo’s instant messaging solution is an Erlang-based implementation of XMPP server (eJabberd) with focus on performance and scalability. Specifically designed for high end service provider’s purposes, it... Read More
Alexander Fok


Designing and building fault tolerance application is very important however inner views into all system & application layers ensures the service quality and uptime allowing proactive corrections before faults... Read More
Lahav Savir


In this talk, Zvi will share his experiences in developing an MQ Telemetry Transport protocol (MQTT-S) over Zigbee Gateway software in Erlang/OTP. MQTT-S is used as a publish/subscribe messaging protocol for... Read More
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