Web Architect
Period: 03-2012 - Now
Company: Liveperson (LPSN)
Job type: Full-Time
Responsible for creating scalable, high performance and maintainable architecture in the company using the best technology to solve the problem. I am involved with every group in the company that is working on client-side technologies.
Browser Technologies Guru
Period: 06-2011 - 03-2012
Company: Liveperson (LPSN)
Job type: Full-Time
Being the contact 'expert' point for the whole company on the client-side development. Leading the introduction of new web technologies in the company.
Technical Leader
Period: 06-2009 - 06-2011
Company: Liveperson (LPSN)
Job type: Full-Time
Being the contact 'expert' point within the team for various technological problems, making sure that the team produces products upto the company technological standards.
Senior Software Engineer
Period: 06-2006 - 05-2009
Company: Liveperson (LPSN)
Job type: Full-Time
Responsible for creating Liveperson visitor monitoring solution (client and server side) and most of the visitor facing content that the company uses.

Presentations by Efim Dimenstein:

  • Devcon June Conference, Thursday, June 20, 2013, 11:00


    Building scalable high performance cutting edge rich-client applications for small business and enterprise clients creates a unique combination of challenges. I will cover major issues and solutions that we have encountered. 
    I will talk about architectural patterns we have used, and then concentrate on the client side technological challenges.


More Speakers at Devcon June

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