Ido is a Developer Advocate for Google Chrome/HTML5/Chrome OS. He has been a developer and building companies for more than 18 years.
He still likes to develop web applications, but only ones with amazing UX. He has a wide array of skills and experience, including HTML5, Java, dart, JavaScript--and all aspects of agile development and scaling systems.

(*) New: my book "Web Workers: Multithreaded Programs in JavaScript" is now available - Great read on long flights.

Presentations by Ido Green:

  • Devcon June Conference, Thursday, June 20, 2013, 09:00


    Wanna built an amazing mobile web application? Do you wish to have a powerful API that you can leverage from mobile app?
    In this session we will walk through building a modern mobile web application that takes advantage of the Google Cloud Endpoints. Learn trips, best practices and solid architecture that will make your next mobile web app an amazing success. 

More Speakers at Devcon June

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