Failing in Plain Sight (Succeeding Invisibly)

Devcon June Conference, Thursday, June 20, 2013, 14:30
Supporting every good creative effort is an editorial one, ensuring the
message is focused and clear. This is most successful when nobody notices
it, and in fact is a failure when people do notice.
In the development world, these invisible successes happen in refactoring,
performance tuning, spam fighting, security. These areas don't get flashy
wins, just nasty losses.
When this is what you do, you must get satisfaction from a job well done.
You won't get much praise, but what you do get will be sincere, and it
will come from people who understand how important it is to keep the
machine running smoothly.


Yossef's been working with computers for most of his life. What he cares about now is people — helping them work together, helping them learn together, helping them build great things together. Helping them make the world a better place.
Oh, and dancing. But isn't that the same thing, really?

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